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10 things that Conversion Copywriting can teach you about Language

Conversion Copywriting is an art for that requires perseverance and practice to master. One of the reasons behind it being an especially painstaking practice is because of the immense potential it holds. If everyone could do it, the practice would have lost its essence and significance a long time ago. However, the significance of the […]

Columnist Day Special: Interview with Jay Vasavada

The Achievements Jay Vasavada is one of the most popular young authors in Gujar ati print media today. His versatile experience as a special correspondent for “Gujarat Samachar” has seen him churn out literary pieces on a wide range of eclectic topics. What’s more commendable is that he has been doing so on a daily […]

Google tools can facilitate your content marketing strategies

Google Tools to Boost Creation of Outstanding Marketing Content

If you think that Google is a mere search engine, think again. You will be surprised by the number of tools Google offers for a myriad of purposes. Content Creators and Digital Content Marketers are seemingly at the receiving end of the benefits offered by Google. Google offers the widest variety of free tools to […]


Everything you need to know about Anchor Texts

What are Anchor Texts? Anchor Text is a word or a group of words which are visible and clickable on a web page and contain a link to another web page. The following is an example of Anchor Text: The blue words that you can see in this sentence are Anchor Text. The Anchor Text […]

All you need to know about Keyword integration in your content for SEO

Importance of Keywords in the world of content creation   Keywords define the social distribution of your article to a large extent. Without proper keywords planning and usage, even your best article will have its two day glory on the social media and then fall off from the face of the internet. We are in […]

Aspects of SEO that you did not know existed in your website

Introduction Today’s time is the time of digital marketing and social media, a time when companies are investing millions in digital advertising and social media optimisation. Major corporations have come to understand the importance of digital presence and digital visibility in the changing times. Digital presence and visibility leads to better performance in the market, […]